An 8 Second Miracle in Just 50 Seconds
8 Second Miracle did not happen quickly at all! In fact, it took years. Dean wrote the original sketch – about the 5 second rule and eating soup off the floor – at UCB NY pre-pandemic and pretty much forgot about it. Alex thought it that version was worth forgetting about. But a few years distance and fresh eyes can do a lot for comedy, especially when you bring in the talents of a comedian like Dean’s long-time friend Theresa Moriarty, and a food-tossing toddler like Viv. And of course Alex’s (iPhone) camera work.
Not every project is a client project, but every one teaches you something about process that gives you the chance to get better at what you do. And sometimes you can look back on how far you’ve come and understand you had to come all this way to be able to do this. 8 Second Miracle not available in stores.