The distinctive naval cloak that FDR wore at the 1945 Yalta Conference with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin has become closely linked to his public image as America’s wartime commander in chief. FDR Presidential Library and Museum Supervisory Curator Herman Eberhardt talks about the history of this iconic garment. Directed and produced by Drake Creative.
Given the decades of difference in the time they served as Presidents, you might not think Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson had the close relationship they did. FDR Library Director Paul Sparrow and LBJ Library Director Mark Lawrence discuss the friendship between these two leaders. Directed and produced by Drake Creative. Picked up for broadcast by CSPAN American History TV.
Franklin Roosevelt had a lifelong affection for pets. His best known was Fala, a Scottish terrier who became his constant companion and the most famous dog in America.
Two of the most politically powerful families of the 20th century. Join us as the directors of the FDR and JFK Presidential Libraries discuss the complex, controversial and compelling story of how they changed the world. Directed and produced by Drake Creative. Picked up for broadcast by CSPAN American History TV.
In 1941, FDR created the United Services Organization, more simply and popularly known as the USO, to ‘bring a little bit of home’ to the young Americans who were serving in the Armed Forces across the globe. Since 2004 the Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum has honored that tradition by hosting its own USO style show for packed houses. A special episode with sketch comedy and special guests, directed and produced by Drake Creative, featuring a cameo by Dean Temple.
Eleanor Roosevelt was often on the move during World War II conducting inspection tours at home and overseas trips to demonstrate American support for other Allied nations. Her most ambitious and dangerous foreign trip was a 25,000 mile tour of the South Pacific in 1943 as a representative of the American Red Cross. She wore this uniform during that trip. Hosted by FDR Library Supervisory Curator Herman Eberhardt. Directed and produced by Drake Creative.
A conversation between FDR Library Director Paul Sparrow and Eisenhower Library Director Dawn Hammett on the relationship between these two leaders and the great new exhibits at the Eisenhower Library. Directed and produced by Drake Creative. Picked up for broadcast on CSPAN American History TV.
With war headlines dominating the news in late 1939, speculation began that FDR might seek a third term. When he said little in response, cartoons began appearing in the nation’s newspapers that depicted him as the Great Sphinx of Giza. They inspired this papier mache sculpture. Presented by Supervisory Museum Curator Herman Eberhardt. Directed and produced by Drake Creative.
FDR Library Director Paul Sparrow hosts a conversation with Hoover Library Director Thomas Schwartz about the relationship between the two men during the 1932 campaign and the transition between their presidencies, examining their different philosophies in the role of government and the protection of individual liberty and freedom. Directed and produced by Drake Creative. Picked up for broadcast on CSPAN American History TV.
FDR Presidential Library and Museum Supervisory Museum Curator Herman Eberhardt looks at FDR’s Oval Office Desk – one of the most popular and important artifacts in our collection – where President Roosevelt signed 12 years of landmark legislation, met with world leaders, and even held press conferences. Directed and produced by Drake Creative.