Walkway Over the Hudson Sign Design
Client: Walkway Over the Hudson
Type: Experiential Design
Location: Poughkeepsie, NY

As the Hudson Valley verges on both economic and population booms, the Walkway Over the Hudson serves as a great symbol of the work that’s been done to bring focus to this beautiful region. But even as enormous as this bridge is – 1.28 miles long, towering 212 feet over the Hudson River – it still helps to have the 500,000 people who visit it every year know how to get there and learn a little about it in the process.

We approached the design of Walkway’s Washington Street sign with an eye towards creating clean lines while evoking the bridge’s history with the railroad. We also wanted to create a strong sense of place and beautify the surrounding area without adding site pollution to what is already a visually busy street.

To celebrate the launch of Walkway’s 21-story glass elevator from the river front to the bridge, we designed a free-standing, replaceable scrim that details the bridge’s history, from 1889 when it was completed, to the fire that shut it down in 1974. This scrim can be replaced with new exhibits as desired, always creating a visually interesting entrance for visitors waiting for the next ride.